Friday, June 27, 2014

The Barn and Corral

The signature structures like the depot or major industries are normally well documented with pictures and drawings. When trying to recreate the more "off-set" buildings, like barns or individual housings, we must use modelers licence, but sometimes we are lucky and find the remnants of these structures by chance. (All b/w pictures courtesy of San Juan Capistrano Historical Society)

To the right of the packinghouse was a barn with a corral for horses or cows. It was outlined on the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from 1929, so I could determine the dimensions.


A picture from 1911 already showed the barn between the 2 houses in the foreground, actually only the roof.

Then finally an aerial shot from the 1950/60's shows the barn in total. Working from the dimensions on the map and the aerial view I could have built the barn.

When I browsed my photo collection to find some prototype information for the adobe houses in Los Rios District, I stumbled over the picture above, actually showing the barn I was looking for. During my visit in 2005 I had shot all kinds of buildings and structures around the depot without knowing if I ever would need them. With this straight on shot I was able to determine the exact shape of the barn and also how the exterior walls looked like.

The barn is a relatively simple looking structure, so I decided to make it a quick and easy project. I penciled the dimensions on plain .060" basswood sheet and cut the walls out with a few passes of my hobby knife.
The recessed roof served for ventilation purposes. 

This week-end I will glue the corrugated sheet stock to the wall sections and assemble the structure.

Stay tuned.

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