Tuesday, April 29, 2014

AFG Packing House, continued

Awaiting the addition to the packing house to be laser cut by my fellow modeler Pit Karges, I added some details to the packing house. I finally decided to only model and detail what would be seen after completion. So I only planked the street side of the loading platform and added steps. Most of the side platform will not be seen after the addition is placed next to it.

The planks are 1x6 and 1x8 strip wood that I stained with a mix of black india ink and isopropyl alcohol. I glued the planks on top of the basswood foundation. The fascia boards along the sides are staggered.
I also added the electric meter box to the right as seen on the prototype picture.

Above is a view of the slanted side that goes against the backdrop. Now I only need to weather the corrugated roof and walls and wait for the addition

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